Interlogix 60-880-95 User Manual

Installation instructions, Product summary, Installation guidelines

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ITI Part No. 60-880-95

Installation Instructions

Document Number: 466-1851 Rev. B
July 2001

Product Summary

A motion sensor (passive-infrared or PIR) detects move-
ment by sensing the infrared energy emitted from a body as
it moves across its field of view. When this motion is
detected, the sensor transmits an alarm signal.

Install motion sensors to protect areas where door/window
sensors are impractical or not needed. For example, use a
motion sensor to protect large areas or open floor plans.
Motion sensors can also provide backup protection in areas
where door/window sensors exist.

This wireless motion sensor includes the following features:
‰ Field-selectable coverage area; 33 or 50 feet
‰ Field-selectable sensitivity modes; 2-pulse or 4-pulse
‰ 135-second transmitter lockout time after an alarm that

helps extend battery life

‰ Cover-activated tamper
‰ Supervisory signal transmitted every 64 minutes to the

control panel

‰ Sensor low battery reports (trouble) to the control panel
Included with the sensor is a thin cardboard undercrawl
mask and snap-in plastic masks (installed at the factory).
Self-adhesive masking strips are also included.

Installation Guidelines

‰ If possible, locate sensors within 100 feet of the panel.

While a transmitter may have an open-air range of 500
feet or more, the installation site can have a significant
effect on transmitter range. Changing the sensor loca-
tion may help overcome adverse wireless conditions.

‰ Mount the sensor permanently on a flat wall or in a cor-

ner. Do not set it on a shelf.

‰ For installations without pets, the required mounting

height is 7 1/2 feet.

‰ Mount the motion sensor on an insulated, outside wall

facing in.

‰ Mount the motion sensor on a rigid surface which is

free from vibrations.

‰ Position the sensor so it faces a solid reference point,

like a wall.

‰ Do not aim the sensor at windows, fireplaces, air condi-

tioners, heaters/heating vents, or place it in direct sun-

‰ Position the sensor to protect an area where intruders

are most likely to walk across the detection pattern (see
Figure 1).

Figure 1. Overhead View of Detection Pattern

‰ Do not mount the sensor near duct work or other large

metallic surfaces which may affect the RF signals (see
“Final Testing” on page 4). Actual acceptable transmit-
ter range should be verified for each installation.

‰ Windows should be closed in any area which has an

armed motion sensor.

‰ The cardboard undercrawl mask installed at the factory

(see Figure 2) blocks coverage within 5 feet of the sen-

Figure 2. Cardboard Undercrawl Mask Location


The cardboard undercrawl mask should remain
installed when sensor jumper J1 is set to the BI posi-
tion. See the section “Setting the Sensor Coverage
Area and Sensitivity” for complete information on sen-
sor jumper settings.


Person walking across detection path