Heli-Max HMXE07 User Manual
Page 9

Always turn the transmitter on fi rst and verify the idle up
switch is set to normal. With the AXE CP V3 sitting still, plug
the battery into the ESC. The AXE CP V3 will need to sit still
for 10 seconds so the gyro can initialize and can determine
center. If the AXE CP V3 is moved during this initialization,
then the gyro will not operate properly. Re-install the body
and your AXE CP V3 is ready for fl ying.
There is a safety built into the AXE CP V3 RTF that prevents
the motor from activating unless the collective stick has been
lowered to its lowest position. If the motor won’t run and turn
the main blades, please make sure the collective stick is all
the way down and leave it there for two seconds.
All controls are described with the tail pointing directly toward
you. This is the best way to start out since it keeps the control
inputs oriented in the same direction. Once you become
comfortable you can work on side-in and nose-in hovering.
Trainer System: You can use a cable to connect two transmitters
together and an instructor can take and give control back with
the release of a switch. Be careful not to hit this switch while in
fl ight as this would disable the transmitter output.
Idle Up Switch: Used for forward fl ight and aerobatics. This
switch raises the main rotor RPM and also changes the lowest
position on the throttle stick to around 40% throttle. This allows
the AXE CP V3 RTF to perform aerobatics and inverted fl ight.
This can be a dangerous switch since it raises the throttle. Be
extremely careful not to hit this switch accidentally or the
motor will instantly come on to at least 40% power.
Moving the cyclic stick right will cause the helicopter to tilt
right and start moving that direction.
Moving the cyclic stick left will cause the helicopter to tilt left
and start moving in that direction.
Moving the cyclic stick backwards (towards you) will cause the
helicopter to tilt backwards and start moving that direction.