Heli-Max HMXE0837 User Manual
Page 14

channels “turned on” and separate switches mapped to those channels
before linking the transmitter to the V-Cam. Make sure all these channels
are adjusted to maximum endpoints (EPA)!
Programming Order Will Be Flip, Video
and Lastly Still Picture
1. Move the transmitter’s throttle stick to the lowest position, all switches
back, and dials to full CCW.
2. Power the quad; the LED will glow solid.
3. Press and hold the link button for 3 seconds, then release. The LED will
remain solid.
4. Power on the transmitter and move the aileron stick full right. Hold
until the LED starts flashing.
5. Two seconds after flashing begins return the aileron stick to center (THE
QUAD IS NOW IN SELF DEFINING MODE). The LED will be flickering.
6. Pick a CHANNEL for flipping. Flip the switch back and forth 3 or
more times to complete. (Note: we like to program the trainer switch
for this function).
7. Pick an unused CHANNEL for Video. Flip the switch back and forth
(or rotate the dial fully lock to lock) 3 or more times to complete.
an unused CHANNEL for Picture. Flip the switch back and forth (or
rotate the dial fully lock to lock) 3 or more times to complete.
9. Finally, move the rudder stick full left and hold for 5 seconds, then
return the stick to center. You have exited setup mode. The LED will
normally flash once when the programming has been accepted. The
quad is now bound to the transmitter and you have programmed the
(up to) three operation features.
To see a video of this
process go to the Heli-Max
1SQ V-cam webpage.