Flying leads – Haltech F9A User Manual
Page 24

1.3.9. Flying Leads
Locate and connect the following flying leads.
Black - (Ground) Locate a good chassis ground point and connect the black wire. The best
spot is direct to the battery negative terminal.
Red - (Supply 12V) Locate a source of continuous 12 volts and connect the red wire.
Connecting direct to the positive battery terminal is suggested.
Grey - (Switched 12V) The grey wire is used to control the operation of the Haltech F9
power relay. It needs to be connected so that it sees 12V only when the ignition is on
and during cranking. This wire does not draw a large amount of current (< 0.5A). Do
not connect to the accessory outputs of the ignition switch.
Orange - The two orange wires are used to operate the fuel pump. When the Haltech E6A
ECU wants to operate the fuel pump it will close the fuel pump relay connecting the
two orange wires together. The diagrams show two examples of wiring the fuel pump.
Do not add extra relays to the fuel pump circuit.
Brown - (Trigger) This is the wire used to sense how fast the engine is going. It should
connect directly to the negative terminal of the ignition coil. (On a rotary, the leading coil
negative is preferable). For engines with more than one coil, or for capacitive or multiple-
spark discharge systems, there is usually a tachometer output from the ignition system for the
dashboard tachometer to which the brown wire should be connected.
Blue - (Aux Input) This wire is used as an auxiliary input to the ECU, it is used by
applications such as the Staging Signal, Turbo Timer and Torque Converter Clutch.