GTCO 2500 Series - Users Guide 3/3 User Manual
Page 16

2500 Series 16
Messages from the Cursor to the Host
The digitizer stops output when the F-button is pressed. No data will be output until the E
or F button is pressed to terminate the message. The message will be transmitted from all
active ports. The digitizer will sound a tone confirming each pressed button.
Cursor = F b1 – b99 F (or E)
Character Transmitted
Numerals 0-9
- (minus sign)
, (comma)
. (period or decimal point)
End message with a Carriage Return
End message with a Comma
Messages from the Menu to the Host
The menu can be used to send more complex messages to the host. Up to 100 characters
may be sent as one message. It will be transmitted after the CR block is picked. There is no
command prefix; if the menu is active the tablet will transmit any characters selected.
Typically, a block in the user portion of the menu is used by the software to serve as the
indicator that what follows is a message for the host and not data.
Menu = ([b1]) ([b2]) ([bn]) [CR]
Where b1 and b2, bn are up to 100 characters from the ASCII portion of the menu.
User 1 and User 2 LED’s
User LED indicators #2 and #3 may be lit and extinguished by host or menu command.
They may be used as user-defined indicators with a custom digitizing program. LED’s 1, 4,
5, 6, 7 and 8 are normally under the control of the tablet to indicate system status.
Host = ESC % V b CR
Menu = [SYSTEM FUNC 2] [b] [CR]
Where b can equal 0, 1, 2 or 3.