GTCO 2500 Series - Users Guide 3/3 User Manual
Page 14

2500 Series 14
Menu = [LINE FEED ON/OFF] [b] [CR]
Where b can equal 0, 1 or no entry.
If b = 0
If b = 1
If no b is entered
Line Feed will be disabled.
Line Feed will be enabled.
The function will toggle.
Enable/Disable or Change Prompt Character
The prompt character is sent by the host to the digitizer, requesting transmission of a
coordinate pair. When prompting is enabled, the digitizer will transmit one coordinate pair
each time it receives a prompt character from the host. The normal rules of the digitizer’s
current operating mode still apply during prompting. All the normal operating mode
requirements for transmitting a coordinate pair must be satisfied and a prompt character
received, before the digitizer will transmit a coordinate pair. The data rate limitation also
applies; the digitizer will not transmit data any faster than the commanded maximum rate,
even if prompting characters come in at a faster rate.
Cancel prompting by giving this command without a prompt character in the command
string; the digitizer will resume normal, non-prompt operation in its current mode.
The default prompt character is a “?”.
Host = ESC % Q b CR
Menu = [SET PROMPT] ([b]) [CR]
Where b1 is the desired prompting ASCII character.
b1 may be any ASCII character except CR, BS, RUB or @.
Prompting will be disabled if b1 is not entered.
To set up prompting using “&” for the prompt character:
Host = ESC % Q & CR
Menu = [SET PROMPT] [&] [CR]