Install the tail servos and pushrods – Great Planes Reactor .46 EP/GP 3D ARF - GPMA1021 User Manual

Page 15

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Use a soldering iron to cut the covering from the stab. The
tip of the soldering iron doesn’t have to be sharp, but a fine
tip does work best. Allow the iron to heat fully.

Use a straightedge to guide the soldering iron at a rate that
will just melt the covering and not burn into the wood. The
hotter the soldering iron, the faster it must travel to melt a
fine cut. Peel off the covering

10. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the stab into the

fuselage. For the most strength, apply epoxy to both sides of
the stab and inside the fuse where the stab fits. Slide the
stab into position and confirm that the stab is still properly
aligned. Wipe away any excess epoxy and the marks you
made with a paper towel and denatured alcohol. Do not
disturb the model until the epoxy has fully hardened.

11. As you did with the ailerons and rudder, attach the

elevator halves to the horizontal stabilizer with CA hinges.
Refer to the 3D control throws on page 28 when gluing the
CA hinges. Be sure to leave a 3/32" [2.4mm] gap between
the ends of the stab and the elevator halves.

1. Locate the six servo bays beneath the covering in front

of the horizontal stabilizer (three per side) in the fuselage.
Only three of these will be used (two for the elevator, one for
the rudder). Cut the covering from the top-aft bay from the
left side of the fuse and cut the covering from the top-
forward bay as well as the bottom bay on the right side as
shown. Make your cuts 1/8" [3mm] inside the openings and
use an iron to seal the covering over the edges.

2. If you are installing servos that are larger than the servo

bays, use the sketch as a guide to enlarge the openings.
Cutting the shaded portions as needed will ensure that you
will have adequate plywood remaining along side the
openings to secure the servos in the fuselage.

3. Attach 24" [610mm] servo extensions to the two

elevator servos and rudder servo. Use heat shrink tubing to
secure the connectors.



Install the Tail Servos and Pushrods