Great Planes Escapade EP/GP ARF - GPMA1200 User Manual
Page 23

These are the recommended control surface throws:
1-1/4" [32mm], 25° up
1-1/4" [32mm], 25° down
2" [51mm], 26° up
2" [51mm], 26° down
1/2" [13mm], 22° up
1/2" [13mm], 22° down
3/4" [19mm], 15° up
3/4" [19mm], 15° down
1-1/4" [32mm], 17° up
1-1/4" [32mm], 17° down
1/4" [6mm], 11° up
1/4" [6mm], 11° down
Balance the Model (C.G.)
More than any other factor, the C.G. (balance point)
can have the greatest effect on how a model fl ies, and
may determine whether or not your fi rst fl ight will be
successful. If you value this model and wish to enjoy it for
PROCEDURE. A model that is not properly balanced will
be unstable and possibly unfl yable.
At this stage the model should be in ready-to-fl y condition
with all of the systems in place including the complete radio
system, engine, muffl er, propeller, spinner and landing gear.
If you’ve built the electric version, install the motor battery. If
you’ve built the glow version, the fuel tank should be empty.
1. If using a Great Planes C.G. Machine to balance the
model, set the rulers to 2-1/2" [63mm]. If not using a C.G.
Machine, join the wings and use a fi ne-point felt tip pen to
mark a line on the top of wings on both sides of the fuselage
2-1/2" [63mm] back from the leading edge.
This is where your Escapade should balance for fi rst
fl ights. Later though, you may wish to experiment by
shifting the C.G. up to 1/2" [12mm] forward or 1/2" [12mm]
back to change the fl ying characteristics. Moving the C.G.
forward will improve the smoothness and stability, but
the Escapade will then be less aerobatic (which is fi ne
for less-experienced pilots). Moving the C.G. aft makes
the Escapade more maneuverable and aerobatic for
experienced pilots. In any case, start at the recommended
balance point and do not at any time balance the model
outside the specifi ed range.
2. Cut 1/2" [13mm] from both nylon wing bolts (this will
keep them from interfering with the elevator and rudder
servos inside the fuselage). Bolt the wing to the fuselage.
Place the model upside-down on the C.G. Machine or lift it
by your fi ngers at the marks you made.
2-1/2" [63mm]
3. With the wing attached to the fuselage, all parts of the
model installed (ready to fl y as previously described), place
the model upside-down on a Great Planes C.G. Machine, or
lift it upside-down at the balance point you marked.
4. If the tail drops, the model is “tail heavy” and weight
must be added to the nose to balance. If the nose drops,
the model is “nose heavy” and weight must be added to the
tail to balance. If additional weight is required, nose weight
may be easily added by using a “spinner weight” (GPMQ4645
for the 1 oz. [28g] weight, or GPMQ4646 for the 2 oz. [57g]
weight). If spinner weight is not practical or is not enough, use
Great Planes (GPMQ4485) “stick-on” lead. A good place to
add stick-on nose weight is to the front or back of the fi rewall
(don’t attach weight to the fuselage sides forward of the
fi rewall—it is not intended to support weight). Begin by placing
incrementally increasing amounts of weight on the bottom of
the fuselage over the fi rewall until the model balances. Once
you have determined the amount of weight required, it can be
permanently attached. If required, tail weight may be added
by removing the stab and fi n and permanently gluing it to the
bottom of the stab between the fuselage sides.
Note: Do not rely upon the adhesive on the back of the lead
weight to permanently hold it in place. Over time, fuel and
exhaust residue may soften the adhesive and cause the
weight to fall off. Use #2 sheet metal screws, RTV silicone or
epoxy to permanently hold the weight in place.
5. IMPORTANT: If you found it necessary to add any weight,
recheck the C.G. after the weight has been installed.