Great Planes PowerMatch - GPMM3220 User Manual

Page 13

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L O W B AT T E RY V O LTA G E a n d O U T O F B A L A N C E WA R N I N G S

If a lithium battery is connected to the meter’s balancing terminals
and a cell is determined to be at the minimum voltage as set in
the USER SETTING MODE, four tones will sound and a warning
screen like below will automatically show and alternate.

The cell with low voltage is shown on the bottom of the screen.
Pressing the ESC button will clear the warning and return the display
to the previous screen. Otherwise, after 15 seconds the meter will
sound two tones and enter sleep mode. Pressing ENTER will revive
the meter, returning it to the previous screen.

If the meter is accidentally set for the wrong battery type and the
warning appears, press ESC to clear the warning and return to the
previous screen. The meter will re-check the status of the battery for
5 seconds. During this time, press MODE to change the battery
type on the display.

If a lithium cell becomes +/-200mV out of balance
BALANCER MODE the warning message at left

will show. The “#” symbol denotes which cell is out of balance. If
this occurs, press ESC to manually stop the function in progress. If
the error occurred while in BATTERY CHECKER MODE, discharge-
balance all cells in the pack to re-balance all cells (see the CELL
BALANCER MODE section on page 8). If the error occurred while in
CELL BALANCER MODE, the cell in question might have a problem
and no longer be suitable for use – contact your battery supplier for
further details.

E R R O R I N D I C AT I O N S a n d S A F E T Y F E AT U R E S

This meter uses solid-state circuitry to protect against potential
damage which could be caused by reverse polarity conditions. If
input power is connected backwards the screen might turn black
and no other operation will occur, but the meter will be protected
from damage. Re-check all input connections to make sure it is
connected properly.