Great Planes Equinox - GPMM3160 User Manual


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The Equinox

LiPo Cell Balancer is designed to regulate the

voltages of all cells in a lithium-polymer (LiPo) pack to very tight
tolerances during charge and discharge functions. As opposed
to non-balanced packs, balanced LiPo’s typically provide higher
total voltage, which means more power to the motor system. In
addition, balanced LiPo packs generally last longer as no
individual cell ever becomes over-charged, which is a big reason
why some LiPo’s perform inadequately. A good balancing
system also provides a very safe charging and discharging
platform, which is critical when handling LiPo batteries.

Equinox is designed to balance LiPo packs containing
anywhere from 2 to 5 cells which are assembled in series.
Equinox will keep the voltages of all cells in the pack within
5mV (0.005V) to 30mV (0.030V) of each other at all times. It’s
very important to understand that the LiPo battery MUST
be wired for balancing in order to function with Equinox!
Contact your LiPo supplier if you are unsure if your battery is
configured for balancing.

Unlike some balancers, Equinox has two separate functions:

QUICK-BALANCE MODE: By itself, Equinox can apply a small
discharge current to gently balance the voltages of all cells in a
LiPo pack. This function is called “Quick-Balance Mode.”

INTERFACE MODE: Equinox can also be used as an
“interface” – connected between the LiPo pack and a separate
charger or discharger. In Interface Mode, Equinox will monitor
and control how each cell in the pack is charged or discharged
by the separate charger or discharger. Equinox is compatible
with all ElectriFly

brand LiPo chargers (Triton



, etc.).

For a good overall understanding, it’s strongly recommended
to read through this entire manual once before attempting to
use the Equinox Balancer.

Compatible Input Devices: LiPo chargers and dischargers ONLY

(operation based on nominal cell voltage
of 3.7V per cell)

Cell Balancing Range:

2-series to 5-series LiPo packs
(7.4 – 18.5V)

Max. Current (chg or dsch): 3 amps (3 – 6A requires special harness –

see rear of manual)

Discharge Termination:

auto-cut based on individual cell voltages
2.75V per cell in Quick-Balance Mode
3.0V per cell in Interface Mode with
separate discharger

Discharge Current:

120mA per cell (Quick-Balance Mode)

Overload Protection:

7.5 amp auto (spade) fuse

Physical Dimensions:

3.23 x 1.57 x 0.59 oz. [82 x 40 x 15 mm]


1.55 oz. [43.8 g]

• For LiPo packs with 2 to 5 cells assembled

in series

(not parallel).

• Designed only for LiPo batteries which are wired for

balancing. NOT compatible with existing ElectriFly
brand or other brand packs which have a 2-pin charge
lead (and SafeCharge


• Balances individual cell voltages during charge

or discharge.

• Functioning alone it can quickly balance the voltage of all

cells in the pack (Quick-Balance Mode).

• Used in conjunction with a separate charger or discharger it

controls exactly how cells are charged or discharged so
they are balanced at all times (Interface Mode).

• Includes 2S and 3S battery adapters. Adapters available

separately for 4S and 5S packs (GPMM3162).

• Can handle 3 amps in Interface Mode (with separate

charger or discharger). Can handle currents of 3 – 6A max.
but requires optional high current adapters (GPMM3163).

• Automatically checks for poor quality cells.
• Banana plugs on input for easy connection to


• NEVER allow the input banana plugs to touch while a

battery is connected to Equinox’s output, as it could cause
a short circuit and damage Equinox and the LiPo battery!

• NEVER attempt to use Equinox with batteries that are NOT


• NEVER allow water, moisture or foreign objects into

Equinox’s case.

• NEVER leave Equinox unattended while in use at ANY time.
• NEVER place Equinox, the charger/discharger, or battery

on a flammable surface or near a combustible material
while in use. Do not lay on a carpet, cluttered workbench,
paper, plastic, vinyl, leather, wood, inside an R/C model or
full sized automobile!

• Do not block the air intake holes, which could cause

Equinox to overheat.

• Do not attempt to use batteries with more cells or total

voltage than listed in the specifications.

• Do not attempt to charge or discharge a battery through

Equinox at a current exceeding 6 amps, as permanent
damage could result.

IMMEDIATELY disconnect Equinox from the

charger/discharger and battery if Equinox or the battery
becomes hot!!
Allow Equinox and battery to cool down
before reconnecting.