Dynaflite DYFA2016 User Manual

Page 32

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This section is important and must NOT be omitted.
A model that is not properly balanced will be

unstable and possibly unflyable.

Q 1. Accurately mark the balance point on the
bottom of the wing near both sides of the fuselage
with tape or a felt-tip pen. The balance point is
shown on the plan and is 3" (77mm) aft of the

leading edge.

LJ 2. Place the wing on the fuselage. Hold it in place
with two or four #64 rubber bands. When it is time to
fly your Bobcat, you should secure the wing with at
least eight rubber bands crossing the last two.


Q 3. Lift the model with your fingers at the balance
point or make a simple stand as shown in the sketch.
Shift the battery pack and/or the receiver to get the

model to balance. Only if necessary, add additional

weight to the nose or tail to achieve the correct C.G.
Great Planes Adhesive Lead Weights (GPMQ4485)
work well for this task.

U 2. Measure the throws at the widest part of the
trailing edge of the rudder and elevator. After a few
flights you may change the throws to suit your flight
style or the weather conditions.

We recommend the following control surface

Ailerons: 1 /2" up and 1 /4" down

Elevator: 1 /4" up and down

Rudder: 3/4" right and left

Q 3. After you set the control throws and position
the pushrod connectors in the correct holes in the
servo wheels, securely fasten the pushrod connectors
to the servos with the nylon fastener on the bottom of
both connectors. Install the screws that hold the servo

wheels to the servos.

Charge Your Batteries

Follow the battery charging instructions in the
manual that came with your radio control system.

You should always charge your batteries the night
before you fly and at other times recommended by
the radio manufacturer.

Q 1. Center the servos before you measure the
control throws. With the transmitter and receiver
turned on, neutralize the elevator, rudder and
ailerons on the model.

Ground Check Your Model

Inspect all screws and connectors. Make sure you
install the screw that holds the servo arm onto the
and that the servo cords are securely
connected to the receiver. Check the security of the
hinges by lightly tugging on the control surfaces.