Compatiview’s menus and main windows, Ompati, Enus – Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
Page 9: Indows

Chapter 1 - Installation and Overview
default of Ethernet A/0 on all devices). After setting the device’s IP address,
be sure to change the workstation’s configuration back to its original settings.
To use IPX, which will allow you to contact the device without setting any
parameters over the device’s Console port, you can either set the appropriate
radio button in the Database menu’s Options dialog box or click on the IP/IPX
box at the bottom of the main CompatiView screen. (The status bar must be
checked in the View menu for the latter to work.)
CompatiView’s Menus and Main Windows
There are four main menus and three main windows in CompatiView. The
File, Database and Control menus are loosely tied to the Device View and
Main Windows. The Statistics menu is directly tied to the Output Window.
More information on the windows and menus follows.
The File menu’s options are primarily focused on the creation, editing
and saving of configuration files and device configuration files. The two
types of configuration files are different in that generic configuration
files have not been associated with any particular device. These files can
be used as templates to speed up the configuration of multiple devices.
Device configuration files are files which came directly from a particular
The Database menu allows you to create and manage lists of devices. All
of the devices on your network can be grouped together for administra-
tion in a single Device View, or they can be divided up into smaller
groups. This menu also allows you to set CompatiView preferences and
device properties.
The Control menu allows you to update device software, do TFTP
downloads and restart devices.
The Statistics menu provides in-depth technical information on a
device’s operation, including packet statistics and routing table listings
as appropriate. Output from the Statistics menu commands will appear in
the Output Window’s Command Line Output tab.
CompatiView also provides several other menus.
The View menu, with options for toolbar settings, an on/off setting for
the status bar, and an on/off setting for Workbook Mode, which places
tabs under the configuration dialog boxes.
The Window menu, which controls the placement of windows and
screens and allows you to move between open windows.