Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
Page 213

Chapter 12 - IPX Filtering
gteq, ge, >=, or => These are allowable ways of writing a “greater than
or equal to” operator which will match server information if its value is
greater than or equal to the value specified in the option expression.
ne, <>, or != These are allowable ways of writing an “inequality” oper-
ator which will match if the value in the server information is not equal
to the value specified in the option expression.
v Note: In rules where expressions are used, the syntax checker requires a
space before and a space after the expression operator(s).
The options available for IPX SAP filter rules allow rules to be more narrowly
specified to exclude all but certain types of servers, an individual service,
servers on certain networks, servers with a certain node address, and/or
servers using a certain IPX socket address.
server type contained in the SAP update tuple. The server type value
must be a hex number. The keyword all may be used to specify all types.
service name contained in the SAP update tuple. The operator in this
option can only be “equality” or “inequality.” The name must be 48 char-
acters or less, and enclosed in quotation marks ("").
the server network number contained in the SAP table. The number is
specified in hex. The keyword all may be used to specify all network
number values.
node address contained in the SAP table. The operator in this option can
only be “equality” or “inequality.”
The node address parameter is the IPX server node number specified as
an Ethernet address. An Ethernet address is specified as six hexadecimal
octets separated by dots or colons (e.g. 0.0.A5.0.0.1 or 0:0:A5:0:0:1).
The keyword all may be used to specify all node values.
server socket contained in the SAP table. The number is specified in hex.
The keyword all may be used to specify all socket numbers.
A final option is the ability to specify a direction using in, out, or both. If no
direction is specified, both is assumed.
Filter rules specifying in are only applied to server information coming
into the device.