Download software, Tftp download, Restart device – Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
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Chapter 1 - Installation and Overview
The Control menu lets you update the software contained in the Flash ROM
of a device.
Download Software
When new features are added to the operating software for a particular type
of device, you may wish to update a device with the new version.
When you are using IPX transport protocols and select this option, a window
listing all eligible devices will appear. You will first be asked to select one or
more devices (which must all be of the same type). To select multiple devices,
hold down the Control key on your keyboard while clicking on devices.
When you are using IP transport protocols and select this option, you will be
asked to enter an IP address (the IP address of the current device will be
provided as a hint when the window opens).
Once you select one or more devices, CompatiView will log in to the first
device in the list (requesting a password from you if it isn’t stored in Compa-
tiView), and then will ask you to select a download file from disk. This file
will be downloaded into Flash ROM in the device(s).
Although the old software stored in Flash ROM will be overwritten, the
device will maintain any configuration information (addresses, device name,
password, etc.) you had previously loaded.
v Note: Whenever the Flash ROM in a device is downloaded, whether with
new software or with a new configuration, the device will automatically be
restarted. The download/restart process will take from 1 to 2 minutes,
depending on the amount of memory in the device.
TFTP Download
This menu option allows you to use the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
to download software to a device. This feature is generally only useful if you
have erased the operating software in a device’s Flash ROM and are
attempting to reload it.
When you select the option, you will be asked for an IP address. Compati-
View will then provide a file dialog to allow you to choose the download file.
v Note: TFTP can also be used to download operating software into a device
which is running standard software from Flash ROM.
Restart Device
Use this menu option to restart a device in CompatiView’s Device View.
Mark the device in the list you wish to restart by clicking on it. The device
you select will be restarted after you select this menu item.