Transit area, Virtual transit delay, Virtual retransmission – Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
Page 268: Keep alive packets, Packet retrieval, Ospf packet authentication key

Chapter 15 - OSPF
Transit Area
The transit area is the number assigned to the tunnel between the two routers
of the virtual link. Each router must have at least one interface attached to the
transit area. The transit area can be specified as a number between 0 and
0xFFFFFFFF, or as an IP address.
Virtual Transit Delay
The virtual transit delay sets the amount of time added to the age of Link State
Update packets before transmission. It is the estimated number of seconds to
transmit a packet over the virtual link. The numeric value can be between 2
and 65,535 seconds.
Virtual Retransmission
The virtual retransmission value sets the interval, in seconds, between
retransmission of the Link State Update packets across the virtual link. The
value can be between 2 and 65,535 seconds.
Keep Alive Packets
The keepalive value sets the interval, in seconds, that the router sends out
“keepalive” packets across the virtual link to let the other end of the link know
the router is up. The value must be greater than 10 seconds.
Packet Retrieval
The packet retrieval value sets the length of time, in seconds, that this router
will wait without receiving a “keepalive” packet from the other end of the
virtual link before assuming it’s down. The packet retrieval value must be
at least twice that of the keepalive packet value. The default value is 4
times the keepalive packet value.
v Note:
The KeepalivePacket and Packet Retrieval values for each end of
the virtual link must match or the virtual link will not function.
OSPF Packet Authentication Key
This string sets the OSPF Authentication key for the virtual link. The string
may be between one and eight alphanumeric characters.
v Note: The authentication key must be the same for both ends of the virtual