Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
Page 147

Chapter 8 - IntraGuard Firewall Configuration
SunRPCUse defines how SunRPC (Sun’s Remote Procedure Call
Protocol) packets will be handled on the path. The SunRPC Protocol is
used by NFS and other UNIX utilities to get the server’s port address.
TelnetUse defines how Telnet packets will be handled on the path.
Telnet is a virtual terminal protocol.
TFTPUse defines how TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) packets
will be handled on the path.
TunnelUse defines how GRE (General Router Encapsulation) packets
will be handled on the path. GRE packets are IP-encapsulated tunneled
packets. This option does not work with non-STEP tunnels (e.g. STAMP
tunnels), which are enabled using the CompatiViewUse protocol.
WebUse defines how HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) packets will
be handled on the path. HTTP is the World Wide Web protocol. This
option affects only HTTP packets; Telnet and FTP must be enabled indi-
vidually to allow users to reach FTP sites or Telnet via the web. See the
TelnetUse and FTPUse protocols.
XWinUse defines how X Windows packets will be handled on the path.
X Windows is the UNIX GUI.
GopherUse defines how Gopher packets will be handled on the path.
Gopher is a file transfer and browsing protocol.
ISAKMPUse defines how ISAKMP (Internet Security Association Key
Management Protocol) packets will be handled on the path. ISAKMP is
the VPN (Virtual Private Network) key management protocol used by
Compatible’s VPN products.
NTPUse defines how NTP (Network Time Protocol) packets will be
handled on the path.
OtherTCPUse defines how all other TCP-based protocols will be
handled on the path.
OtherUDPUse defines how all other UDP-based protocols will be
handled on the path.
OtherUse defines how IP packets which are not included in the other
pushbutton options will be handled on the path.