Simple appletalk packet filter rule examples, Appletalk get zone list filter rule set examples, Appletalk rtmp filter rule set examples – Compatible Systems 5.4 User Manual
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Chapter 13 - AppleTalk Filtering
Simple AppleTalk Packet Filter Rule Examples
The following is an AppleTalk packet filter which denies echo packets (type
4) from network 55, and permits everything else.
deny srcnet = 55 type = 4
The following is an AppleTalk packet filter which denies NBP lookups for
the printer named "Engineering Printer," permits NBP lookups for the printer
named "HP Printer" by the NBP zone "Sales," and permits everything else.
deny NBPName = "Engineering Printer"
permit NBPName = "HP Printer" NBPZone = "Sales"
AppleTalk Get Zone List Filter Rule Set Examples
AppleTalk Get Zone List filter rules filter what is seen in the Chooser of
Macintoshes attached to the network to which the rules are assigned. The
example would: deny all zone names from networks 1-10; permit the zone
name "Engineering;" deny the zone name "Sales;" permit all networks not
equal to 100; and permit everything else.
deny net-range = 1 10
permit zone = "Engineering"
deny zone = "Sales"
permit network != 100
AppleTalk RTMP Filter Rule Set Examples
AppleTalk RTMP filter rules can be used to limit the network numbers that
are allowed into the routing table or to be advertised from the device. The
example performs the following actions: deny networks with a number of
100; permit networks between 200 and 300; deny networks numbered greater
than 301; and permit everything else.
deny network = 100
permit net-range = 200 300
deny network > 301