Save a voicemail message, Delete a voicemail message – Avaya one-X User Manual
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Save a voicemail message
Avaya one-X™ Mobile User Guide for iPhone
February 2008
Save a voicemail message
The length of time you can keep saved voicemail messages is set by your office voicemail
system. See your system administrator for more information.
To save a voicemail message without listening to it:
1. On the Avaya one-X Mobile Home screen, tap New Voicemail.
The New Voicemail inbox appears. Each voicemail entry shows the time or date of the call.
New and Saved Voicemail Inbox Icons
on page 27 for a description of the icons that
appear next to each voicemail entry.
2. Tap
for the message you want to save.
The information screen appears.
3. Tap Save Voicemail.
The voicemail message is moved from the New Voicemail inbox to the Saved VM inbox.
Delete a voicemail message
To delete a voicemail message without listening to it:
1. On the Avaya one-X Mobile Home screen, tap New Voicemail or
Saved VM.
The New Voicemail inbox or Saved VM inbox appears. Each voicemail entry shows the
time or date of the call. See
New and Saved Voicemail Inbox Icons
description of the icons that appear next to each voicemail entry.
2. Tap
for the message you want to delete.
The information screen appears.
3. Tap Delete Voicemail.
The voicemail message is deleted, and you return to the Home screen. The voicemail call
information (who called and when) remains in the Call Log.