Carl Goldberg GPMA1993 Skylark 70 Sport ARF User Manual
Page 15

Insert the 3mm screw through the center
hole in the large washer, through the center
hole in the rubber washer against the large
side, and screw the small washer on the
back side.
Insert the brass tubes through two of the
holes. They should be arranged so as the long
one will be on the right side of the plane and
the short one on the left side.
The tubes should extend out the front of the
cap 5/8”. Bend the long tube up at about a 20
degree angle. This should be adjusted so the
end of the tube almost touches the top of the
tank when installed.
Install the 4mm silicone tube to the short
brass tube and install the clunk to the other
end of the silicone tube. This is the fuel pick-
up and must be free to “flop” around in the
tank so it can pick up fuel in any attitude.
Install the assembly into the tank so the vent
tube is turned up to the top of the tank and is
positioned on the right side of the tank.
Tighten the screw to expand the rubber cap.
Don’t over tighten or you could split the tank.
Attach the two pieces of 5mm tubing to the
two tank outlets. Make a note of which one
you attach to which tube. The short brass with
the clunk is the fuel pickup and must go to the
carburetor. The long brass tube is the vent
and should go to the pressure outlet on the
Insert the fuel tank through the hatch opening
area and feed the fuel lines through the hole
in the firewall.
Slide the tank all the way forward till the brass
tubes pass through the firewall hole.
Attach the fuel lines to the motor.
Place some foam (Not included) around the
tank to prevent it from sliding back out of the
fuel compartment.
install the fuel tank hatch on top of the fuse-
lage with 2mm sheet metal screws on both
sides of the fuselage.