Rudder servo installation – Carl Goldberg GBGA1091 User Manual

Page 10

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Repeat for the other three horns.


Locate the four 2-56 x 6” pushrods and install

the nylon snap link on the end. Thread the rod

into the snap link until 1/16” extends into the

opening. Slide the silicone tubing clevis keep-

er over the snap link.(silicone tubing 1/4” long)



Install the snap link on the control horn. With

the aileron servo centered and the aileron

level, mark the point where the pushrod cross-

es the control arm on the servo and make a 90

degree bend. But the bend off at 3/8”. To get

full potential out of the plane you will need a

heavy duty servo arm 1 to 1-1/4” long.



Install the pushrod in the servo output arm

and retain with the nylon swing in keeper.

Push the silicone clevis keeper down to the

control horn.


Repeat for the other aileron and both flaps.

silicone tubing keeper

Rudder Servo Installation


Mount the rudder servo in the opening provid-

ed on the bottom of the fuselage just in front

of the stab. You will need a 1” extension on

the servo lead. Be sure to tape the plug

together so it does not come loose.