1010_6_7.pdf, Troubleshooting – Braeburn 1010 User Manual
Page 4

Thermostat turns
heating or cooling
system on too often
or not often enough.
Increase or decrease temperature differential setting as
appropriate to provide the desired performance level. See
Setting Temperature Differential section of this manual.
Thermostat does not
turn on heating or
cooling system.
Check to see if
OFF is shown in display. This indicates that the
system is turned off at the thermostat. Move the system selector
switch to the
HEAT or COOL position. After the compressor short
cycle protection 5-minute period expires the system should start
within a minutes time.
Compressor protection features may be in effect due to
compressor short cycle conditions. See Compressor Protection
Feature section for full explanation of this feature.
Heating or cooling system may be malfunctioning. Call a
professional service technician immediately to verify
system operation.
Check thermostat wiring to make sure that the heating and
cooling stages are connected to the correct terminals on the
wiring terminal block. See Installation and Wiring Diagrams
sections of this manual.
OFF is shown in
thermostat display
and heating or
cooling system will
not start.
This indicates that the system is turned off at the thermostat.
The thermostat must be in
HEAT or COOL modes of operation to
control the heating or cooling system. Move the system selector
switch to the
HEAT or COOL position.
Thermostat will not
allow me to program
a setpoint
temperature higher
than 90˚ F (32˚ C).
This is above the normal thermostat temperature setting range
of 45˚ to 90˚ F (7˚ to 32˚ C).
Thermostat will not
allow me to program
a setpoint
temperature lower
than 45˚ F (7˚ C).
This is below the normal thermostat temperature setting range
of 45˚ to 90˚ F (7˚ to 32˚ C).
Fan continues to run
all the time whether
the system is on
or off.
Check that the fan control switch is in the
AUTO position. This
will allow the fan to run only when the heating or cooling system
is turned on and running.
Check thermostat wiring to make sure that the fan control
wiring is connected to the correct terminals on the wiring
terminal block. See Installation and Wiring Diagrams sections of
this manual.
The room is too
warm or too cold.
See Review Set Temperature section of this manual to verify the
current setpoint and make any modifications that are necessary.
LO is shown in the
thermostat display
where the room
temperature is
normally displayed.
HI is shown in the
thermostat display
where the room
temperature is
normally displayed.
The temperature sensed by the thermostat is higher than the
90˚ F (32˚ C) upper limit of the thermostats display range. The
display will return to normal after the sensed temperature
lowers within the 45˚ to 90˚ F (7˚ to 32˚ C) display range. Turn on
the cooling system or use other methods to lower the
temperature accordingly.
This condition could occur from the system being turned off
during an exceptionally warm period or upon installation when
the thermostat has been stored for a long period of time in a
warm vehicle or location prior to being installed. The thermostat
is equipped with a mechanical high temperature safety switch
that will turn off the thermostat should the temperature exceed
99˚ F (37˚ C).
Thermostat turns on
heating instead of
cooling, or cooling
instead of heating.
The temperature sensed by the thermostat is lower than the
45˚ F (7˚ C) lower limit of the thermostats display range. The
display will return to normal after the sensed temperature
rises within the 45˚ to 90˚ F (7˚ to 32˚ C) display range. If the
temperature in the controlled space seems to be normal, wait
for the thermostat to acclimate to the correct room
temperature. If the room seems to be colder than usual, turn
on the heating system to raise the temperature as needed for
comfort within the room.
This condition could occur from the system being turned off
during a cold weather period or upon installation when the
thermostat has been stored for a long period of time in a cold
vehicle or location prior to being installed. The thermostat
should be allowed to warm up prior to installation to allow
proper heating control once installed.