AvMap EKP V User Manual User Manual
Page 18

Aeronautical Navigator
- Quick Manual
Aeronautical Navigator
Quick Manual -
• WP List Area, containing the list of the
WP of the selected FP.
• VP Area (not selectable), containing the
info of the Vertical Profile along the FP.
To move from FP Tab Area to WP List Area
move DOWN the Joystick, vice versa move
LEFT the Joystick or press ESC.
I. How to create, delete or reverse a FP
To create a FP select Add FP in the FP Tab
The virtual keyboard is visualized: write the
desired name for the FP and select OK on
the virtual keyboard.
A FP tab with the assigned name will appear
in the FP Tab Area.
To delete a FP, select it in the FP Tab
Area, press ENTER and choose the option
To reverse a FP, select it in the FP Tab Area,
press ENTER and choose the option Reverse.
II. How to assign a name to a FP
Select a FP in the FP Tab Area, press ENTER
and choose the option Edit Name. Write the
desired name and confirm selecting the OK
on the virtual keyboard.
III. How to add, delete and show-on-
map a Waypoint
There are two methods to add a Waypoint
(WP) to a FP:
• In the FP page select ADD WP in the WP
List Area and choose the kind of WP to
add. Available options are: Airport, VOR,