Configuring microsoft message queuing – Kofax Capture User Manual
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Kofax Reporting Administrator's Guide
Configuring Microsoft Message Queuing
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is one of the possible transport options between
application and central site.
1 On the central site, create a new queue. You must use transactional queues for Kofax
Reporting. Authentication and privacy level are not supported.
2 On the central site, install the Message Queuing Server and WSA Receiver. WSA Receiver
on the central site reads always and only from a local transactional MSMQ queue.
3 On the application site, install the Message Queuing Server and WSA Sender. WSA
Sender on the application site sends messages to a remote transactional queue that is
located on the central site.
4 Configure WSA, both Sender and Receiver.
a In the General Settings tab, set Transport to MSMQ, configure MQ User/Password,
and set Central Queue to the queue created in step 1. E.g.:
▪ DIRECT=OS:.\private$\PrivateQueueName
▪ DIRECT=OS:Computer_Name\PublicQueueName
▪ DIRECT=OS:Computer_Name\private$\PrivateQueueName
▪ DIRECT=TCP:IP_Address\PublicQueueName
▪ DIRECT=TCP:IP_Address\private$\PrivateQueueName
▪ DIRECT=HTTP://URL_Address/msmq/PublicQueueName
▪ DIRECT=HTTPS://URL_Address/msmq/private$/PrivateQueueName
▪ DIRECT=HTTPS://URL_Address/msmq/PublicQueueName
▪ DIRECT=HTTPS://URL_Address/msmq/private$/PrivateQueueName
b In the MQ tab of WSA Sender, you can enable support for dead letter queue.
If you want to use HTTP/HTTPS, Internet Information Services (IIS) has to be installed and
configured on the WSA Receiver computer. Refer to MSMQ documentation. The HTTP/
HTTPS protocol is only supported for sending messages to MSMQ, i.e. on the application site.
It is not supported for receiving messages from MSMQ on the central site.
Messages sent from WSA Sender to a remote transactional queue are first stored in a local
outgoing queue (created automatically). MSMQ automatically transfers the messages to the
destination remote queue.
Messages that cannot be delivered to the destination queue are automatically moved by
MSMQ to the local MSMQ system transactional dead letter queue (DEADXACT) on the
WSA Sender computer and a property CLASS is set which contains the reason of failure (e.g.
remote queue does not exist, remote server not reachable ...). The WSA Sender service has
a built-in mechanism that checks periodically in background the DEADXACT queue at the
sending side and a retry mechanism that takes the messages from the DEADXACT queue and
requeues them into the outgoing queue again.