Kofax Capture User Manual

Page 28

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Kofax Reporting Administrator's Guide

d Select RejectMsgOnMqError if you want to reject message when the message queue

cannot be written.

7 Go to the Store tab.

a In the Object Fill Target field, specify a value in percent of object fill target for storage


b In the Disk Fill Target field, specify a value in percent of disk fill target for storage


c In the OutboxReactivate field, specify the number of minutes to wait until

unsuccessfully retrieved messages from the outbound folder of WSA Receiver storage

are reactivated so that the ETL agent can reattempt to retrieve them. This parameter

is only available for WSA Receiver. Setting this parameter to zero means that failed

messages are never reactivated. They can still be activated by an operator; refer to

Managing Failed Messages Manually


8 Go to the Security options tab.

a In the Users field, select "admin" if you want to restrict access to WSA monitor and

remote configuration. Select "no password protection" if you don't want to restrict


b In the Admin password field, type the password for the admin user.

c Select DisableRemoteConfig if you want to disable remote configuration of a

particular WSA completely.

9 Go to the Load Balancing Settings tab.

a In the Load Balancer Support field, select what type of load balancer are you using.

Network load balancing is only available for WSA receiver.
▪ Select None to disable NLB Port Control feature of Kofax Reporting. This does not

disable network load balancing if you have configured it.

▪ Select Win-NLB and Ext-LB to enable port control.
▪ Select Windows NLB if you are using Windows NLB solution.
▪ Select External LB if you are using an external load balancer.

b In the Load Balancer Port field, type the port that web service clients can use to access

load-balanced WSA receivers.

c In the Load Balancing IP Address field, type the IP address of the local interface used

for web service access (if you have multiple network cards on your computer, you can

dedicate one for this purpose).

10 Go to the Advanced tab.

a In the Client Config File field, specify the path and file name where WSA Sender

should save its connection information. This file is used by Kofax applications for

connecting to Kofax Reporting. Only available for WSA Sender. E.g., Kofax Capture

might use the following path and name:
▪ C:\ProgramData\Kofax\Capture\Config\Reporting.Client.Configuration.xml

(Windows Vista, 7, Windows Server 2008)

▪ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kofax\Capture\Config

\Reporting.Client.Configuration.xml (Windows XP, Windows Server 2003)

11 Click Save. Click Exit and restart service.