Configuring wsa advanced settings – Kofax Capture User Manual

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Kofax Reporting Administrator's Guide


Configuring WSA Advanced Settings

The advanced settings of WSA are not needed for many Kofax Reporting installations. You

must use them to configure message queue transport and for troubleshooting (traces).

1 Start WSA Receiver Configuration or WSA Sender Configuration from the Kofax

Reporting group in the Windows Start menu.

2 Click Advanced.
3 Go to the General Settings tab.

a In the MQ User field, type Domain\UserId or SID for queue access. This Windows

user must have the user right "logon as service".

b In the MQ Password field, type the password of the user set above.

c In the Storage Size field, type how much disk space should WSA reserve for storing


d In the Storage File field, type the name and location of the storage file.

e The Instance Name field displays name of the WSA instance.

f In the Senders (up to 10) field, type the number of parallel processes responsible for

sending data to WSA receiver (only applies to WSA Sender). Using a higher value

increases performance, but it requires more system resources.

4 Go to the HTTP Settings tab.

a In the Listener Threads field, specify the maximum number of concurrent web

service/HTTP connections to this WSA instance.

b In the Proxy server field, specify the name or IP address of the central proxy server.

Configuring a proxy server is only available for WSA Sender instances.

c In the Proxy port field, specify the port of the proxy server.

5 Go to the Trace tab. For more information, refer to

Managing Logs in WSA


a In the Trace Level field, specify the trace level (0..100). Higher value provides more

detailed traces but might affect performance.

b In the Message Trace Size field, specify the message size limit to trace traffic between

▪ 0 = off
▪ 1 = single line per message
▪ More than 1 = size limit in bytes

c In the Size of Trace File field, specify the maximum size of trace files in KB

d In the Number of Trace Files field, specify the maximum number of generated trace

files. When all files are full, the oldest is overwritten.

e Select Append Trace if you want to append trace to existing trace file after restarting

the application.

6 Go to the MQ tab. The parameters are only available for message queue transport.

a Select Check Dead Letter Queue if you want monitor messages that could not be


b In the Dead Letter Queue Check Interval field, specify in seconds how often should

the dead letter queue be examined.

c In the Dead Letter Queue Retries field, specify how many retries should be made for

messages in the dead letter queue.