Setting up teacher accounts and passwords – JMC Installing Online Software User Manual
Page 69

JMC Online Software
Page 69 of 81
Last update on 7/17/08
Setting Up Teacher Accounts and Passwords
Teacher accounts and passwords can be set up by selecting Attendance-Staff-Teachers /
Rooms as shown in Figure A4.
Figure A4: Setting up a teacher's username and password for Online Attendance.
1. Select Attendance-Staff-Teachers / Rooms.
2. Select the teacher from the list of teachers. If the teacher's name is not listed, the
teacher can be added by locating an empty slot in the teacher list and entering the
teacher's name in that slot.
Note: Teachers' names will not necessarily appear in alphabetical order on this
screen. Also, teachers' names should not be moved within this list once
scheduling has begun for the school year.
3. Enter a username and password for the teacher in the appropriate boxes in the upper
middle section of the screen.
Note: Usernames may be up to 16 characters long and passwords may be up to 8
characters long.
4. Click the Save button to save changes for an individual teacher.
5. Click on the Done button when you are finished entering and editing usernames and
passwords for all teachers.