Online server setup – JMC Installing Online Software User Manual

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JMC Online Software

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Last update on 7/17/08

Online Server Setup

1. On your online server (the machine that is to have the Online Server software

running on it – needs to stay running all of the time), open the following folder:
Mac HD – Applications.

2. Create new folders for each building that will be running the JMC online

software. For example, if your school district has three buildings, such as an
elementary school, a middle school, and a high school, then create 3 folders with
titles such as ELJMC, MSJMC, and HSJMC.

3. Copy the files JMC_Online_XX-YY and JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf (where XX-

YY is the school year, e.g. 06-07) to each of the building-specific folders you just
created, e.g. ELJMC, MSJMC, and HSJMC.

4. Edit the JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf file for each building in the following way:

a. Double-click on the JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf file for a building to begin

editing the configuration. The screen will appear similar to Figure 13.

Figure 13: Editing a JMC Online server configuration file.

b. For the line that contains #JMC_ONLINE_PORT 3000, remove the initial

# symbol and edit the port number appropriately. If you plan on using
more than one CGI (EL, MS, & HS), you would need to use a unique port
number for each building for each year. Please refer to Table 1 for the
recommended port numbers for each school year.

Note: It is critical that the port numbers specified in the
JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf match up with the port numbers in the
JMC.conf files for the corresponding buildings. For example, if the
port number in the JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf file the MS building is
3001, then the port number in the JMC.conf file for the MS building
must also be 3001. If these port numbers do not match up correctly,
the web server may end up serving up data for the wrong building.

c. Save the changes to this file. Remember to do this for the

JMC_Online_XX-YY.conf file for each building.

Remove the
# from the
beginning of
this line and
edit the port