Online gradebook – JMC Installing Online Software User Manual

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JMC Online Software

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Last update on 7/17/08

Online GradeBook

The JMC Online GradeBook provides teachers with the ability to maintain an electronic
GradeBook completely over an IP network such as the Internet. Teachers may use the
JMC’s standalone IP GradeBook or use a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Safari, or Netscape to work with their Online GradeBooks over the Internet or school
intranet. All the traditional JMC GradeBook features are present, from automatic class
lists, easy assignment scoring, letter grade calculation, to reporting final term grades
immediately to the office.

The basic tasks for the IP GradeBook software options are:

-setting up the JMC Online Software to work with a web server
-setting up teacher accounts and passwords
-installing the IP GradeBook application on teacher computers
-establishing access to the web server from the IP GradeBook
-receiving grade submissions from teachers and processing them in the office

The basic tasks for the Online GradeBook software options are:

-setting up the JMC Online Software to work with a web server
-setting up teacher accounts and passwords
-providing the web link for the Online GradeBook module
-receiving grade submissions from teachers and processing them in the office

In the Office

Teachers must be assigned an account and a password under the Attendance-Staff-
Teachers / Rooms option of the JMC Office Application. See Figure 8.

At the end of each term teachers post student grades much like they do with the
traditional JMC GradeBook. Office staff use the Grades-Entry-TGE/GradeBook Entry
option to process these grades. From the TGE/GradeBook Entry screen use the Teacher
to Office - Online to automatically process submissions from Online GradeBooks.
Process these grade files just as you would process grade files from a network Grades
Drop folder.

In the GradeBook

Teachers can assess students in a variety of ways using JMC’s IP GradeBook. These
assessments may be submitted to the office for reporting purposes. For more information
on JMC’s IP GradeBook, select the correct version from the download page of the JMC