JMC Installing Online Software User Manual
Page 30

JMC Online Software
Page 30 of 81
Last update on 7/17/08
Special Instructions for District-Level Online CGI Setups
If you are using a JMC District Application and you have more than one building to set
up online, make folders for each building in the JMC folder on your web server and then
put a copy of the district application CGI into each of the folders.
For example, if you wish to have online access for an elementary, middle school, and
high school, create three folders in the cgi-bin folder called ELJMC, MSJMC, & HSJMC.
Copy the JMC_Online_XXYY (where XXYY is the school year, e.g. 0607) into each
Then, use the JMC District Application to attach each of these programs to the correct
JMC “database”. First, log into the District Application for the elementary school, then
select File – Select Online Software… and navigate to the copy of the
JMC_Online_XXYY in the ELJMC folder and select it. Do the same types of steps for
the other buildings by logging into the JMC District Application for each building and
then selecting File – Select Online Software… to navigate to the copy of the
JMC_Online_XXYY in the appropriate folder.
Your users will then need to log in to the JMC Online software using slightly longer
URLs. For example, the URL for the middle school might look something like
where AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD is the IP address
of the web server and the MSJMC is specified
for the MS login (must include the folder for the
appropriate building in the pathname).
With either the district or non-district databases, the port numbers must be set in the
configuration files for each building and these port numbers must match in the
corresponding configuration files for each building. Please refer to the previous sections
for setting port numbers in the configuration files (Figures 2 & 3 for Apache servers,
Figures 5 & 6 for WebSTAR servers).
Note the
MSJMC level in
the pathname.