JMC Starting the 13-14 School Year Checklist User Manual
JMC Software

Starting the 13-14 School Year Checklist
The following is a list of items to be completed before school starts or shortly thereafter.
The items listed do not need to be completed if your school does not use one of the
modules or functions, nor do they need to be completed sequentially.
Note: This document assumes that your 12-13 data has been rolled over to 13-14, all
JMC applications have been installed on the appropriate users’ computers, and all
network connections have been made for those programs. If this has not been done please
consult the “Installing Data and Software for 13-14” document on our website.
We welcome feedback on this document. If you feel that an item should be added or
edited for this or next year’s document please contact us at
Every JMC user should familiarize themselves with the new resources available at
our website:
View JMC instructional videos, under the
Resources tab, at the JMC website and present
them to the appropriate staff.
If your school has hired new staff it is strongly
recommended they visit the Training section
on our website to view the training options.
The user group tabs on that screen will give
users an idea of what they need to do to learn
how to use JMC.
Every Office program should be updated to a
build date of 072313 or newer in August.
JMC Modules
Any students who have enrolled into your school or transferred out since your
12-13 data has been rolled up must have their demographic data entered or
School days in session must be entered in Attendance: Day: Day Names. We
recommend that you enter dates up to December 1
and then enter day names 3-4
weeks in advance, instead of for the entire school year, because you cannot insert
(make-up) days into the calendar.
New office personnel should be given JMC usernames and passwords with the
appropriate user privileges in File: User Privileges. Office personnel who have not
returned for the current year should have their usernames and passwords deleted.
New teachers should be entered (and given usernames and passwords for the
Gradebook if applicable) in Attendance: Staff: Teachers and Rooms. Outgoing
teachers who have been replaced should have the new teacher’s name filled in