Doepfer Pocket Dial (device no longer available) User Manual
Page 18

Page 18
User's Guide
Preset 25
GS/XG Drum Pan
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 26
GS/XG Drum Reverb
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 27
GS/XG Drum Chorus
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 28
GS/XG Drum Delay/Var
master channel
(no feedback)
Presets 23 ~ 28 control the drum kit, which would normally require the master channel to be set to
channel 10. The knobs all relate to the same drums on these presets as shown below, with each preset
controlling Pitch, Level, Pan, Reverb Send, Chorus Send or Delay/Var. Send depending on the preset
Preset 29
XG Drum Cutoff
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 30
XG Drum Reson.
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 31
XG Drum Attack
master channel
(no feedback)
Preset 32
XG Drum Decay
master channel
(no feedback)
Presets 29 ~ 32 control the drum kit, which would normally require the master channel to be set to
channel 10. The knobs all relate to the same drums on these presets as shown above, with each preset
controlling Filter Cut Off, Filter Resonance, Envelope Attack or Envelope Decay depending on the preset
The presets 29 ~ 32 use the same assignment of controls to drum instruments:
Control 1
Bass Drum Pitch
Control 9
Bongo Pitch
Control 2
Snare Drum Pitch
Control 10
Conga Pitch
Control 3
Tom Pitch
Control 11
Timbale Pitch
Control 4
Hi-Hat Pitch
Control 12
Hi Q Pitch
Control 5
Hand Clap Pitch
Control 13
Seq Click Pitch
Control 6
Rim Shot Pitch
Control 14
Finger Snap Pitch
Control 7
Crash Pitch
Control 15
Click Noise Pitch
Control 8
Ride Pitch
Control 16
Tambourine Pitch
Preset 33
XG Multi-Part Volume Level
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 34
XG Multi-Part Pan
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 35
XG Multi-Part Reverb Send
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 36
XG Multi-Part Chorus Send
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 37
XG Multi-Part Dry Level
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 38
XG Multi-Part Variation Send
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 39
XG Multi-Part Low EQ Gain
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 40
XG Multi-Part Low EQ Frequ.
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 41
XG Multi-Part High EQ Gain
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Preset 42
XG Multi-Part High EQ Frequ.
channels 1 - 16
(no feedback)
Presets 33 ~ 42 are similar to the presets 1~4 and control the XG parts with SysEx messages (nearl all
Yamaha instruments). The 16 knobs controll the parameter of the 16 MIDI channels. Each preset
controls either Part volume, pan, reverb send, chorus send, dry level, variation effect send, low eq gain,
low eq frequency, high eq gain or high eq frequency.