Presets – Doepfer Pocket Dial (device no longer available) User Manual
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User's Guide
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Controlling Pocket Dial with incoming Midi messages
Some functions of Pocket Dial may be controlled with incoming MIDI messages. The MIDI output of the
device generating these messages (e.g. a computer) has to be connected to the MIDI input of the
Pocket Dial. The LEDs of Pocket Dial may be used to check if MIDI events appear at the MIDI input of
Pocket Dial.
The following functions can be controlled with incoming MIDI messages:
a) Changing the preset takes place with an incoming MIDI program change message provided that
the MIDI channel matches with the MIDI master channel of Pocket Dial. The number of the new
preset corresponds to the program change number received. For example prg # 35 selects preset #
35. Pay attention that there are two different modes of counting: 0 ~ 127 or 1~128. In this manual
the counting mode 1 ~ 128 is used. If the device that transmits the program change messages uses
the counting mode 0 ~ 127 one has to add 1 to obtain the corresponding preset number of Pocket
b) The 128 non-volatile presets of Pocket Dial cannot be edited with the Pocket Dial itself. Rather a
external editor has to be used to generate the SysEx messages required to program the presets of
Pocket Dial. Two types of editor programs are available: The Pocket Dial editor for PC that can be
downloaded for free from our web site (PC with MS Windows 95/98/2000
required). The OEM version of Emagic's universal editor Sounddiver can be purchased at a small
extra charge together with the Pocket Dial (CD with both version for PC and Mac, including all
adaptions for Doepfer devices). OEM means that this version of Sounddivers works only in
combination with Doepfer devices and is not a full version of the program. For details please refer to
the appendix. The presets are available as MIDI standard files that can be processed by MIDI
standard applications (e.g. record and play back with MIDI file players or sequencers).
As mentioned several times Pocket Dial features 128 presets that can be selected with the DIP switch at
the rear panel or with incoming MIDI program change messages on the MIDI master channel of Pocket
You will find a detailed specification of all presets on our web site in case that the
information in this manual is not sufficient for your application.
Preset management
Pocket Dial has available 128 presets. Preset means in this connection the data set in the memory
that contains the information about the assignment of the 16 controls to MIDI messages including the
stored 16 absolute values for these controls.
Four of these presets can be selected quickly with the bank buttons at the top of the case. The DIP
switch at the rear panel resp. the incoming MIDI program change message is used to define the preset
number that is assigned to bank button 1. The 3 succeeding presets are assigned to the bank buttons 2
~ 4.
Example: The DIP switch is set to preset number 42. With the four bank buttons the presets 42 (bank
button 1), 43 (bank button 2) , 44 (bank button 3) and 45 (bank button 4) can be selected.
The memory management of Pocket Dial is very similar to Pocket Control and Pocket Fader. The main
difference are the four bank buttons that enable a fast selection of four succeeding presets.
Consequently 64 virtual controls are available with Pocket Dial. This additional feature makes sense only