Checkline TI-CMXDL User Manual

Page 8

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7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until the known thickness value is correctly displayed.

8. Press the OK key to calculate the velocity and return to the menu screen,

or ESC to cancel the one point calibration.

9. Finally, press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen and begin

taking readings.

NOTE: CHECK YOUR CALIBRATION! Place the transducer back on the calibration
point. The thickness reading should now match the known thickness. If the thickness is not
correct, repeat the steps above.

2.5 Coating


The TI-CMXDL has been preset to a default coating velocity of 0.0850 in/µsec (2159
m/sec). This will be very close to the most common coating material velocities used in the
If the velocity of the coating is known, and different than the above default setting, the
user can simply enter the coating velocity into the TI-CMXDL. However, if the velocity
is unknown, the TI-CMXDL can also be calibrated to a specific coating sample/type using
the 1pt calibration option in PECT (pulse-echo coating) mode, or a two point calibration is
CT (coating only) mode. For the purpose of this quick start section only the 1pt option
PECT (pulse-echo coating) mode will be covered. Refer to the calibration section of the
manual for a complete explanation on the coating calibration options. The following steps
below outline the necessary steps to either set the velocity of the coating, or perform a one
point calibration to calculate the coating velocity:

Known Coating Velocity

If the coating velocity is known, the user may wish to simply
enter the velocity number into the TI-CMXDL, rather than have
the TI-CMXDL calculate the velocity value using a known thick-
ness on a coating sample. The steps for entering the velocity are
outlined below:

1. Press the MENU key once to activate the menu items tab.

Press the MENU key multiple times to tab right and the
ESC key multiple times to tab left until the CAL menu is
highlighted and displaying the submenu items.

2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the sub menu items until

COATING VEL is highlighted.

3. Press the ENTER key to display the Digits Edit Box.

4. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll the highlighted value.

5. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the digit locations.

6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until the velocity number is correctly displayed.

7. Press the OK key to set the coating velocity and return to the menu screen,

or ESC to cancel entering the coating velocity.

8. Finally, press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen and begin taking



12.3 Saving a Setup

Once the TI-CMXDL parameters and features have be adjusted for an application, the u
may elect to save these setting to a specific setup location for future use. This can poten
tially save time and reduce error between users.

It is sometimes necessary to rename a previously saved setup, or add additional commen
about a particular setup. The setup name may have been entered incorrectly, or the user
needs to use the setup for a completely different project. An inspector’s name or other co
ments about the project may also be required for additional documentation purposes. Th
following procedures outline the necessary steps for saving and editing a setup:

1. Press the MENU key once to activate the menu items tab. Press

the MENU key multiple times to tab right and the ESC key
multiple times to tab left until the SETUP menu is highlighted
and displaying the submenu items.

2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the

sub menu items until SAVE is highlighted.

3. Press the ENTER key to display the Save Setup Parameters

List Box.

4. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to

scroll the Name and Note

5. When the parameter to edit is high-

lighted, press the ENTER key to
activate the Alpha Edit Box.

6. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and

RIGHT arrow keys to scroll through
the characters, the ENTER key to
select characters, and the CLR key to
backspace through the characters, until
the Name or Note fields have been

7. Press the OK key to return to the Save

Setup Parameters List Box.

8. If both parameters will be edited,

repeat steps 4 – 7.

9. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll to and highlight

