Checkline TI-CMXDL User Manual

Page 21

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Searching for small defects

Dual element delay line transducers are especially useful in searching for small defects.
the pulse-echo mode with high amplifier gain, very small defects can be measured. This
very useful during corrosion inspections overall. The dual element style transducer will
find wall deterioration, pits, and any porosity pockets during tank and pipeline inspectio

Echo-Echo Mode – Thru-Paint (E-E)

The echo-echo mode measures between two reflections. This technique
is commonly used to eliminate errors from surface coatings and also to
make measurements in multiple layered materials. The disadvantage is
that two echoes are needed which requires a much stronger echo

Echo-Echo Verify Mode – Thru-Verify (E-EV)

The echo-echo verify mode measures between 3 reflections. Similar to
E-E mode, this technique is commonly used to eliminate errors from
surface coatings and also to make measurements in multiple layered
materials. The primary benefit of this mode, is that a comparison is
made, between the 2nd and 3rd echoes, to verify that a peak jump
has not occurred, providing an additional level of confidence to the
measurement. The disadvantage is that 3 reflections are needed which
requires the use of gates with controllable thresholds to adjust for
sensitivity over a given measurement range.

Pulse Echo Coating Mode – Coating On (PECT)

A custom hybrid combination mode using properties from the basic modes along with a
group of special techniques and theoretical wave phenomena’s to measure coating and
material thicknesses at the same time, while still retaining the ability to locate flaws and
pits in materials. Therefore, the best description for this hybrid mode is Pulse-Echo Coa

Coating Mode – Coating Only (CT)

Once again, this is a custom hybrid combination mode using special techniques to effec-
tively measure the thickness of coatings that are either adhered to metallic surfaces or in
stand alone form. In this mode a two point calibration must be performed. If the user wi
be measuring coating that has been applied to a metal surface, the calibration must be
performed using coating samples coupled to a metal surface when calibrating. To explai
further, a drop of couplant must be applied in between the coating samples and metal
surface. If the coating has not been applied to a metal surface, the calibration should be
performed accordingly.

Pulse-Echo Temperature Compensated Mode – Temp Comp (PETP)

This is a custom mode that combines pulse-echo and electronic zero techniques to
automatically adjust for temperature changes in the transducer as a result of an
increasing/decreasing temperature gradient in the test material.

NOTE: Rough surface conditions can have an effect on the overall accuracy in this mod
If the surface condition is in question, the pulse-echo mode should be used in conjunctio
with performing an off block automatic zero as the temperature gradient changes.

Dual Element
Transducer in
Echo to Echo
Verify mode

Dual Element
Transducer in
Echo to Echo



Introduction to Grid and Sequential file formats

The TI-CMXDL is equipped with two data file format options, GRID LOG and SEQ LOG.
The GRID file format is very similar to a spreadsheet format found in popular software
programs like Excel. A GRID is simply a table of readings. A location in a grid is speci-
fied by giving a row and column coordinate. The rows are numbered from 1 to 999 and the
columns are labeled from A to ZZ (999 Rows & 52 Columns). The sequential file format
can be viewed as a file as a single column of up to 512 possible rows (readings), and a col-
umn of corresponding identifiers associated with each individual reading. The identifier can
be a combination of up to 10 numeric, alpha, or special characters listed above, while the
file name can consist of a combination of up to 20 of the same character set.

NOTE: The identifier cannot start or end with a special character. Once a start and end ID
are entered into the TI-CMXDL and the log created, the TI-CMXDL will automatically
generate all the identifiers within that range.

The following character set listed below are all the allowable characters that will be used
for both file formats: GRID & SEQ LOG. Any combination of these characters can be used
for creating a Name and Note regardless of the selected format.The allowable characters
are as follows:

Numeric characters: 0 – 9 Alpha Characters: A – Z

Special Characters: ! ‘ _ # space / . – ( )

Multiple grids can be created and stored until the TI-CMXDL’s memory is full. If the user
attempts to store a new file in the TI-CMXDL and the size of the file exceeds the capacity
of memory, the TI-CMXDL will respond with an error message indicating that the memory
is unable to store the new file.

The TI-CMXDL can store a total of 16,000+ readings with a corresponding screenshot of
the DIGITS or B-SCAN views with every reading, as well as all the TI-CMXDL settings
for every individual reading. If the graphics option is disabled, not saving screenshots, the
TI-CMXDL can store a total of 210,000+ readings. The screenshot stored with the reading
will depend on what view the TI-CMXDL was in at the time it was saved. For example, if
the view was in B-SCAN, then a B-SCAN will be saved with the reading.

In the sections that follow, the procedures for creating, using, and editing GRID’s and SEQ
LOG’s have been combined together for the purpose of similarity in overall functionality
and structure. The illustrations that follow are snapshots of typical GRID and SEQ LOG
file formats:


Grid File Formats