Checkline TI-007 User Manual

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Scan Mode

While the TI-007 excels at making single point measurements, it is sometimes desirable to
examine a larger region, searching for the thinnest point. The TI-007 includes a feature,
called Scan Mode, which allows it to do just that.

In normal operation, the TI-007 performs and displays four measurements every second,
which is quite adequate for single measurements. In Scan Mode, however, the tool per-
forms eight measurements every second, but does not display them. While the transducer
is in contact with the material being measured, the TI-007 is keeping track of the lowest
measurement it finds. The transducer may be “scrubbed” across a surface, and any brief
interruptions in the signal will be ignored. When the transducer loses contact with the sur-
face for more than a second, the TI-007 will display the smallest measurement it found.

When the TI-007 is not in calibration mode, press the SCAN key to turn Scan Mode on
and off. A brief message will appear in the display confirming the operation. While scan-
ning, the display will show a moving series of dashes instead of a thickness value. When
the transducer is removed from the material being scanned, the TI-007 will (after a brief
pause) display the smallest measurement it found.

Alarm Mode

The Alarm Mode feature of the TI-007 allows the user to set an audible and visual Hi /Lo
parameter when taking measurements. If the measurement falls below or above the Hi /Lo
limits, set by the user, a red light will be illuminated on the front panel of the gauge and
an audible indication (beep) will sound. This improves the speed and efficiency of the
inspection process by eliminating constant viewing of the actual reading displayed.
The following page outlines how to enable and set up this feature:

Using the Beeper

1. While the unit is off, press and hold down the ALRM key.

2. Press ON/OFF key to power up the unit.

3. Release the ALRM key — BEEP ON or BEEP OFF will be displayed enabling

or disabling the beeper.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to toggle between BEEP ON or BEEP OFF.

Alarm Mode

1. Press ON/OFF key to power up the TI-007.

2. Press the ALRM key. ALAr OFF, or ALAr followed by a thickness value and flashing

IN (or MM) symbol will be displayed - indicating the alarm mode is enabled.

3. Repeat step 2 to toggle between ALAr OFF or ALAr value and flashing IN / MM

symbol (On).

4. Assuming ALAr value flashing IN is displayed, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys

to scroll to the desired Lo alarm value.

5. Press the SEND key to select the Lo value entered. The Hi value will now be

displayed. Repeat step 4 select the Hi alarm value.

6. The TI-007 is now ready to perform measurements using the Alarm feature.

Differential Mode

In the Quality Control environment, it is sometimes necessary to know the difference
between a nominal (target) thickness value and an actual thickness value. This feature is
also included in the TI-007. With the Differential Mode enabled, the TI-007 will display
the positive or negative difference from an entered nominal value. The following steps out-
line the procedure for setting up this feature:

Differential Mode

1. Press ON/OFF key to power up the TI-007.

2. Press the DIFF key. DIFF OFF or DIFF followed by a thickness value and

flashing IN (or MM) will be displayed.

3. Repeat step 2 to toggle between DIFF OFF or DIFF value and flashing IN.

4. Assuming DIFF value flashing IN is displayed, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys

to scroll to the desired nominal thickness value.

5. Press the SEND key once again to select the nominal value entered.

6. The TI-007 is now ready to perform measurements using the Differential feature.

RS232 Serial Port

The TI-007 is equipped with an RS232 serial port. Using the accessory cable (part# N-
306-0010), the TI-007 has the ability to connect to a computer, or external storage device.
The following section outlines the procedure for connecting the TI-007 to a computer, and
how to collect data using any standard communications program:

Connecting To a Computer

1. Connect the accessory cable (part# N-306-0010) to the 2 pin jack located on the bottom

of the TI-007, and the 9 pin connector to a serial port on the computer.

2. Start the communications software that will be used to collect the measurements

(i.e. Windows 95/98 - HyperTerminal).

3. Setup the communications software using the following parameters:

Data Bits - 8, Parity - None, Stop Bits - 1, Baud Rate 1200.

4. Set the communications software COMM port to the port number that the

TI-007 is connected to.

5. After taking a measurement, press the SEND key to send the measurement to

the computer. The measurement will be displayed on the computer screen.

NOTE: Communications software packages generally have the ability to capture the
screen data to a common text file. This text file, containing the measurements, can then be
imported into any common spreadsheet program (i.e. Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus123) for
further reporting requirements.