Instrument settings – Cannon Instrument miniAV-LT User Manual
Page 52

miniAV-LT Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— May, 2009; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
Cancel to exit the window without saving the Configuration. You can
also delete existing configurations by selecting them from the Existing
Configurations list box and pressing the Delete button.
Select Restore Instrument and Tray Settings to restore certain instru-
ment information, including instrument specifications and calibration
data (Instrument settings) basic and advanced operational parameters
(Tray Settings), and previously-entered Sample ID information.
When you click the Restore Instrument and Tray Settings menu item,
the Restore Configuration window will open.
The Restore Configuration window
This is a security-protected feature. Depending on the user-set configura-
tion options, technician-level personnel may only be able to restore
Sample ID information. Individuals logged in to VISCPRO as a Manager
will be able to restore Instrument Settings and Tray Settings. To
restore information, click on the check boxes corresponding to the
desired parameters. Then click OK.
Instrument Settings
Select Instrument Settings to open the Instrument Settings window,
which provides features for describing the miniAV-LT and controlling the
instrument. These settings apply to the instrument as a whole.