Checking wash functions – Cannon Instrument miniAV-LT User Manual

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miniAV-LT Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO


Instruction & Operation Manual

Version 1.a— May, 2009; CANNON


Instrument Company

2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA



The temperature stipulated here is the target test bath temperature. The
miniAV-LT will normally be controlled at 30°C (called the idle tempera-
ture) and the target test bath temp will only be achieved during sample

3. Select the desired unit of temperature measurement (°C or °F).

4. Type the desired temperature in the Bath Temp: field. Acceptable

values are any numbers between -40°C and 30°C. If necessary, you
may use the decimal point key to input temperature to the nearest
0.01°C. Press OK to save the temperature setting.


The miniAV-LT will not allow sample testing until the instrument has
equilibrated temperature at the test temperature.

To cancel temperature selection before completing the procedure, click

The VISCPRO II software always displays the current and target bath
temperature in the Sample Input window.

Checking wash functions

To ensure function of the solvent wash system, follow the procedure

1. Place an empty vial in the sample vial holder and raise the holder

assembly to its highest position.

2. Select Wash viscometer tube to open the Wash viscometer tube


3. Click Begin Wash to initiate the wash cycle. The Status: indicator

will display and update current actions.