Cannon Instrument miniAV-LT User Manual
Page 50

miniAV-LT Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— May, 2009; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
To access all Restore: options, log into VISCPRO as a Manager. Then
click the Restore Instrument Settings check box if you want to restore
all Instrument Settings for the highlighted saved configuration (see
Instrument Settings section in this chapter). Instrument settings apply to
the instrument as a whole.
Click the Restore Tray Settings check box if you want to restore all
tray settings for the highlighted saved configuration (see Tray Settings: ...
sections in this chapter). Tray configuration settings apply to the indi-
vidual sample trays for an instrument.
Click the Restore Sample Information check box if you want to restore
all sample ID information for the highlighted saved configuration.
Sample information includes individual sample IDs and actions.
The Configure: Save Instrument Settings option from the Configura-
tion menu opens the Save Configuration window. The Save Configu-
ration window permits you to save all current instrument information for
any selected instrument, including Instrument Settings, Tray Settings
and Sample settings, to the database. Once saved, the instrument
information may be restored at any time using the Restore options from
the Configure menu (see above).
To use the Save Configuration window, select the desired instrument by
clicking on the instrument name in the Available Instruments list box.
Then enter a name for the configuration in the Save As: field.
If you wish, you may choose to overwrite an existing configuration with
current settings by clicking on the name of the existing configuration in
the Configuration list box. The Configuration name will be transferred to
the Save As: field.
Click OK to store the new configuration. To exit the Save Instrument
window without saving the configuration, click Cancel.
Saved Configurations: The Saved Configurations list box allows
you to make changes to the current configuration for any networked
instrument by restoring any or all elements (Instrument,
Tray or Sample) of a saved configuration. To restore saved configura-
tion settings, select the instrument from the Available Instruments
window and then click on the desired configuration from the list of saved
configurations. Then click on the desired Restore ... options (see below)
and click OK.