Preparing the miniav-lt for testing – Cannon Instrument miniAV-LT User Manual
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miniAV-LT Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— May, 2009; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
Compare the values in the Tray Settings: Advanced window with your
archived values and make any necessary changes; then click OK.
Preparing the miniAV-LT for testing
Inserting the miniAV-LT temperature probes/reference thermometer
Inserting the probes
The temperature probe is semi-permanently installed. Initial installation
or replacement of the temperature probe requires removal of the top
cover of the bath unit. The probe is inserted through the narrow aperture
on the top bath flange. (refer to image below)
miniAV-LT top bath flange
Inserting the thermometer
The ASTM reference thermometer/adapter assembly can be inserted
through the grommet in the bath top cover and through the larger circular
aperture on the top bath flange (see photo image above). The assembly
includes a stopper that is used to secure the circular aperture on the top
bath flange when the thermometer is not being used.