Cannon Instrument miniAV-LT User Manual
Page 37

miniAV-LT Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— May, 2009; CANNON
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
If a check standard viscosity has NOT been entered (or if the default
viscosity value of 1.000 has not been accepted by the user), a yellow
arrow (current sample) or red circle caution symbol will appear to the left
of the sample ID:
Make certain to enter the correct check standard viscosity (in centis-
tokes) BEFORE running the standards. Incorrect data entry may skew
future calibration results.
5. Click Run, then select the appropriate sample trays to test the
6. When testing is completed, use the VISCPRO
software to log on as
a Manager (Main/Log In) in order to access the calibration menu.
7. Select the desired miniAV-LT instrument from the Configure menu;
then select Calibration.
The Calibration window will open.
8. Select the date range for acceptable calibration data by using the No
older than [x] days spin controls
to set the date search param-
eters (if “1” is selected, only data from the standards run in the last
24 hours will be listed). Any check standards from the time frame
you specified which are appropriate for calibration calculations will
appear in the window list box.