4 set parameters for an automatic digestion – BUCHI KjelDigester K-449 User Manual
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Operation Manual
KjelDigester K-446/K-449
6 Operation
6.8.4 Set parameters for an automatic digestion
1. Press Method [METH].
2. Select a method number between 1 and 9.
∙6.8.6 Select a method, (6–44).
3. Press c [STEP].
∙The text [STARTTIME] on the display appears.
4. Set a delayed start time if required or press c [STEP] to continue.
∙6.8.7 Set up a delayed start time, (6–44).
5. Press a [TEMP] and adjust the temperature by pressing d [+/-].
6. Press e [ENTER] to confirm the new value.
7. Press b [TIME] and adjust the time by pressing d [+/-].
8. Press e [ENTER] to confirm the new value.
9. Press c [STEP].
10. Repeat the steps 5 – 9.
If not all of the 4 steps are required, set the time to zero on the remaining steps.
11. Press a [TIME] and adjust the cooling time to keep the Scrubber running after the
digestion is finished by pressing c [+/-].
Set up a time amount big enough that no more fumes are evading from the sample tubes
when the Scrubber stops. BUCHI recommends a starting value of 30 minutes.
12. Press d [ENTER] to confirm the new value.
13. Press b [STEP].