Brookfield DV-I Viscometer User Manual

Page 23

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Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Page 23

Manual No. M/92-021-O604

C o n e

S a m p l e Vo l u m e

P a r t N o .

C P E - 4 0

0 . 5 m l

C P E - 4 1

2 . 0 m l

C P E - 4 2

1 . 0 m l

C P E - 5 1

0 . 5 m l

C P E - 5 2

0 . 5 m l

Ta b l e A 6

Table A-1

4. Attach the sample cup to the Viscom-

eter and allow sufficient time for the
sample, cup and cone to reach tem-
perature equilibrium.

5. Turn the motor on. Set the desired

speed(s). Measure the viscosity and
record the reading in both % torque
and centipoise (cP).

NOTE: The cone spindle must rotate
at least five (5) times before a visco-
sity reading is taken.

6. Verify that the viscosity reading is

within the allowable 1% deviation, as
explained earlier, for the specific vis-
cosity standard fluid(s) that you are


The CPE designation on the cone
spindle indicates use with Electronic
Gap Setting Cone/Plate Viscometers/
Rheometers only.



Determine the appropriate sample volume.
Refer to Table A-1 to determine the correct
sample volume required for the spindle to be


Select a Brookfield Viscosity Standard fluid
that will give viscosity readings between 10%
and 100% of full scale range. Refer to Ap-
pendix B
for viscosity ranges of cone spindles;
ranges listed apply to CPE cones.

Do not use a silicone viscosity standard fluid
with a viscosity value greater than 5000 cP
with a Cone/Plate. Brookfield offers a com-
plete range of mineral oil viscosity standards
suitable for use with Cone/Plates for viscosi-
ties above 5,000 cP or shear rates above 500


; see Table E1 in Appendix E for a list of

available fluids.

It is best to use a viscosity standard fluid that
will be close to the maximum viscosity for a
given cone spindle/speed combination.

Example: LVDV-I+ Viscometer, Cone

Spindle CPE-42, Brookfield
Silicone Viscosity Standard
having a viscosity of 9.7 cP at



At 60 RPM, the full scale viscosity range is
10.0 cP. Thus, the Viscometer reading should
be 97% torque and 9.7 cP viscosity



(closer to


0.2) cP. The accuracy is a combi-

nation of Viscometer and fluid tolerance (re-
fer to Interpretation of Calibration Test
in Appendix E).


With the motor off, remove the sample cup
and place the viscosity standard fluid into the