Cassette compartment, Mtc/une input jacks 1 — 4, Phones jack – Yamaha MT100II User Manual

Page 8: Punch i/o footswitch jack, Auxsend jack, Aux return r and l(mono) jacks, Tape out jacks 1 — 4, Stereo out r and l jacks, Monitor out r and l jacks

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©Cassette Compartment

Your cassette tape is loaded here. Use



chrome (Cr02) formula cassette tape. Other tape formula­

tions will not provide optimum frequency response and sig-

nal-to-noise performance.

A “lifter-tab” is provided at the right side of the cassette

compartment cover. Lift the cover using this tab. Hold the

cassette with the open end (the end at which you can see

tape) facing the transport controls. First, press the rear

edge of the cassette DOWN and UNDER the central retain­

ing finger at the rear of the cassette compartment. Then

gently press the front of the cassette DOWN to seat the

cassette in place. (SEE DIAGRAM)

[Note] Since the МТ100П uses the entire width of the cas­

sette tape to record four tracks, the cassette can only
be recorded on one side. Never change the TAPE
SPEED setting while the tape is running.

©MtC/UNE Input Jacks 1 — 4

These four input jacks accept signals from microphones, or

from line-level sources including, electronic keyboards,

electric guitars and basses and tape players. The four

channel inputs are standard monaural 1/4" phone jacks.
When a source is plugged into one of these jacks, its signal

is sent to the corresponding channel of the MTIOOn's



Any pair of stereo monitor headphones with an impedance

of between approximately 8 and 40 ohms can be plugged

into this jack. Headphone monitoring is the most conven­

ient way to listen to the MTIOOH’s various signals. High-

quality headphones such as the YAMAHA RH5M or

MH100 are ideal for this purpose.

©PUNCH I/O Footswitch Jack

An optional YAMAHA FS-1 Footswitch can be connected to

this jack to permit foot-controlled punch-in and punch-out

recording (see "PUNCH-IN/OUT RECORDING” on page




The AUX SEND and RETURN jacks make it simple to use

an external signal processor (such as the YAMAHA FX500

Simul-effect Processor) to add effects to MTIOOn signals.

The AUX SEND jack should be connected to the input of

your signal processor, and the output from your signal

processor should be connected to the AUX RETURN jack.

If your signal processor produces only monaural output, it

should be connected to the L (MONO) AUX RETURN jack




© TAPE OUT Jacks 1 — 4

The four TAPE OUT jacks are direct outputs from the cor­

responding tracks of the MTIOOn recorder. These RCA pin

type jacks make it possible to feed the output from the four

recorder tracks to an external mixing console. The TAPE

OUT jacks can also be used to feed each of the recorder’s

tracks to external signal processors, the output of which

can then be returned to the MTIOOE’s mixer inputs.

©STEREO OUT R and L Jacks

These are the main outputs from the MT100II, delivering

the stereo output signal from the MTIOOn mixer section.

The RCA pin-type STEREO OUT jacks can be connected
to a stereo sound system for monitoring and listening. You

can record a mixdown of your tape tracks when these jacks

are connected to the inputs of a stereo recorder.

© MONITOR OUT R and L Jacks

These jacks output the same signal fed to the PHONES

jack (at line level). Control the level (volume) of the output

using the MONITOR/PHONES control. The MONITOR

OUT jacks can be connected to a stereo sound system for

monitoring and listening. They are RCA pin type jacks.