Step 2: monitor setup – Yamaha MT100II User Manual

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Once your source is connected to an input channel and that channel is assigned to one of the recorder’s tracks, you should set up your

monitor system so that you can listen to the track as it is recorded.

The MT1 ООП allows you to monitor the material being recorded either via a pair of headphones connected to the PHONES jack or

via a sound system with speakers connected to the MONITOR OUT Jacks. The level appearing at the PHONES jack and MONITOR

OUT jacks is controlled by the MONITOR/PHONES control. The MONITOR SELECT switch has three positions which allow you to

listen to tape tracks only (MONITOR position), input sources (STEREO position), or a combination (MIXposition).


In this position only the output from the recorder’s

four tracks is sent directly to the PHONES jack and the

MONITOR OUT jacks via the four MONITOR controls.

The MONITOR controls are used to create the desired

monitor "mix”. This setup is ideal for general monitoring

while recording because it allows you to listen to the

four tape tracks while leaving input faders available to

route signal sources to tape. Material already recorded

on any of the recorder’s tracks is delivered to the

PHONES jack and MONITOR OUT jacks via the corre­

sponding MONITOR controls. In this case, an input

source can only be heard when it is assigned to a track

via the appropriate REG SELECT switch, and the

TRANSPORT controls are in the RECORD or REC-



Only the stereo output from the mixer section is

sent to the PHONES jack and MONITOR OUT jacks.

This setting is most useful for mixdown of a completed

multitrack recording, since you want to hear the mix

produced by the mixer section’s input faders and any

effects applied using the AUX SEND and RETURN
controls while mixing.


Speakers should not be used for monitoring if you

will be recording via microphones, since the monitor

sound will leak into the microphone(s) and spoil the


MIX: Both the output from the recorder’s four tracks (via the

MONITOR controls) and the stereo output from the

mixer section are sent to the PHONES jack and MONI­

TOR OUT jacks.