2alarm monitor, Alarm monitor – CANOGA PERKINS CanogaView Smart Element Manager User Manual
Page 52

Smart Element Manager
Enterprise Version
3.3.2 Alarm Monitor
Each graphical views have a button with a yellow bell; the Alarm Monitor. The Alarm Monitor
registers to receive events that originate from the chassis, device, etc.
When initiated, the Alarm Monitor screen will open with a history of the latest alarms. This
monitor operates in real time, thus as one alarm is generated it is reflected in the alarms list
while the last alarm in the history file is removed when the maximum number of alarms is
An alarm database stores Historical Alarm Events for monitoring and reporting purposes. By
default, the system is installed with a utility which runs every night at midnight which purges
all alarms older than 30 days to a txt file. The purpose of this utility is to prevent the
database from becoming too big as the performance of the reporting applications will be
impacted significantly.
To modify the execution of this utility, find the "service.conf" file within the directory hierarchy
where you installed CanogaView Smart Element Manager, and using a standard text editor
modify the line which starts with "EventEngine". You will see two variables toward the end of
the line (see below) that you can modify to turn this feature "-exportalarms on" or "-
exportalarms off", the number of days of which events are considered old "-exportage 30"
and the output location where the exported events should be placed "-exportdir xxxx":
EventEngine ................... -exportalarms on -exportage 30 -exportdir xxx
xxx is the name of the directory where exported event files will be placed. Note that the txt
format of these files created allow them to be imported into other desktop applications. Also,
each time the purge utility is run a new file with a new date/time stamp as its filename is
created which allows one to merge and search through months or years of alarm
The Alarm Monitor displays Active alarms and Historical alarms. The Active list will show
only those received events that have not yet been cleared (thereby showing the current
state of the device(s) monitored). The historical list will show all events that have been
received and subsequently cleared. Both lists can be resized.
Alarm Event Correlation services are present such that Link Up events clear Link Down
events, Cold Starts clear all events against a device, Card Inserted events clear Card
Removed events, Active Optical Link Sync OK clear Active Optical Link Sync Bad events,
Alarm Filtering exists such that whenever a user selects the Alarm Monitor option; all
Alarms displayed and subsequently monitored will be that at the device level selected as
well as all of its components or underlying views. Thus the Alarm Monitor is opened at the
Agent Chooser level then all alarm events for all SNMP agents will be displayed.
Subsequently, if the user selects the application while at the Device level, then all alarm
events for this device as well as any of it remote managed units will be displayed and