CANOGA PERKINS CanogaView Smart Element Manager User Manual
Page 14

Smart Element Manager
Enterprise Version
Solaris Platform
Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Mount the CD via the command:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0
If this command fails, wait a few moments and try again (it may take a short time for
the CD-ROM to be detected).
Locate the file install.htm and open it with your browser (File >> Open Page). A
browser page will open with the CanogaView Smart Element Manager image
displayed. Read the installation instructions and proceed to the next step.
The next in the installation process is basically to locate and execute the installation
procedure which is on the CD. Locate the InstData/Solaris/Vm directory on the CD
ROM and executing the file install.bin.
Next proceed to section 2.2.2.
HP-UX Platform
Installation on HP-UX requires that the Portable File System (PFS) processes
pfs_mountd and pfsd be running. Determine if they are running by executing the
ps -e | grep pfs
If this command returns no output, start the PFS processes via these commands:
nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &
nohup /usr/sbin/pfsd &
Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. If the directory /cdrom does not exist on your
workstation, create it now:
mkdir /cdrom
Mount the CD via the command:
/usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
Substitute the device name of your CD-ROM drive for /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 if necessary
(command “ioscan -fnC disk” will display your CD-ROM device name).