BendixKing CAS 67A TCAS II User Manual
Page 82

Non-Altitude Reporting traffic.
Non-Threat Intruder
An aircraft that has entered the TCAS sur-
veillance volume at a distance greater than
6 miles or altitude greater than 1200 feet
above or below your own aircraft.
Pressure Altitude
Indicated altitude when barometric pressure
is set to 29.92” Hg. (1013mb). Pressure alti-
tude is used by TCAS to determine the rela-
tive altitude of traffic.
Proximity Intruder
An aircraft that is within 6 miles range and
within 1200 feet above or below your own
aircraft but does not meet the TCAS defini-
tion of a threat.
Rad Alt
Radio Altitude. Altitude received from a
radio altimeter and used by TCAS to deter-
mine distance to the surface.
Resolution Advisory. An audio and visual
indication recommending a vertical maneu-
ver to achieve separation from an intruding
RAs are made up of preventive and correc-
tive maneuvers described in this manual.
Resolution Advisory/Vertical Speed
Indicator. A flight instrument that gives stan-
dard VSI indication plus RA climb and
descend requirements.
Relative Altitude
The difference in altitude between two air-
TCAS calculates relative altitude as the dif-
ference between your own aircraft’s pres-
sure altitude and the encoded pressure alti-
tude of the intruder.
006-08499-0000 Rev 7
Effective Date 2/04