The ra/vsi instrument – BendixKing CAS 67A TCAS II User Manual
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TCAS II guidance is incorporated into the vertical speed indicator.
Two rows of colored lights, one green and one red, are located
around the vertical speed scale. TCAS II uses the green lights to indi-
cate whether to climb, descend or remain level. Red lights indicate
where not to climb, descend or remain level. The lights are OFF
unless an active Resolution Advisory is in progress.
Resolution Advisories are grouped as Corrective Advisories or
Preventive Advisories. Corrective Advisories require a positive action
by the crew accompanied by a green arc on the RA/VSI showing
“Fly-To” guidance. Preventive Advisories require that NO action be
taken to alter the flight path of the aircraft.
When TCAS issues an RA, certain segments in the row of red lights
will be turned on. Segments in the row of green lights will be on when
the pilot is required to actively maneuver the aircraft to satisfy the res-
olution. For safe separation from the intruder, the pilot should maneu-
ver the aircraft within the vertical speeds represented by the green
lights. Vertical speeds within the red area must be avoided.
An RA may be presented on the VSI requiring avoidance of two or
three threat aircraft simultaneously. For example, a “do not descend”
indication may be visible at the same time a “limit climb rate” indica-
tion appears because of threat aircraft above and below your own air-
TCAS II Pilot’s Guide
Effective Date 4/99
006-08499-0000 Rev 5