T/wx – BendixKing CAS 67A TCAS II User Manual
Page 45

TCAS II Pilot’s Guide
Effective Date 2/04
006-08499-0000 Rev 7
Note: If the CD 671A is interfaced to a MST 67A Mode S transponder
and the MST 67A senses a failure, a failure annunciation will be shown.
A maintenance check should be performed.
The Display Window displays the ATC
code selection, whether transponder #1
or #2 is active, transponder mode,
transponder ident, own aircraft flight
level (in TEST), TCAS mode, TCAS
range and TCAS above, below or nor-
mal vertical display limit selected.
All display annunciations are seen during the control unit self-test.
The "R" annunciation is only seen during self-test. "FL" on the con-
trol unit is only displayed during self-test and indicates the transpon-
der's encoded altitude. Continuous FL mode is selected by activating
Ext. SBY discrete and turning mode knob to “TST”
The 1/2 push button selects No. 1 or No. 2 as the active
transponder. The other unit is placed in standby. The
Display Window shows which transponder is the active
The IDT push button initiates the IDENT feature for ATC.
The IDENT function is used at the request of an Air Traffic
Controller, and holds the Ident reply for 18 ± 1 seconds.
The T/Wx (TCAS/Weather) mode button is necessary in
installations using the weather radar indicator as the traffic
display. In these installation, the T/Wx switch is used to
select between Weather Only, Weather with TCAS Traffic
and Traffic Only modes.
The outer knob selects the traffic display range in nm
(nautical miles). This knob can select 3, 5, 10, 15,
20 or 40 nm range on the TCAS traffic display. The
range is displayed in the display window during
range selection.
Note: The Range knob is continuous rotary and does not roll over or stop.
Controls and Displays
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