BendixKing CAS 67A TCAS II User Manual
Page 49

The Display Window displays the ATC
code selection, whether transponder #1 or
#2 is active, transponder mode, transpon-
der ident, own aircraft flight level (in
TEST), TCAS mode, TCAS range and
TCAS above, below or normal vertical dis-
play limit selected.
All display annunciations are seen during the control unit self-test.
The 1/2 push button selects No. 1 or No. 2 as the active
transponder. The other unit is placed in standby. The
Display Window shows which transponder is the active
The TST push button initiates a comprehensive self-test
lasting approximately eight seconds. All segments of the
display are illuminated for 2 seconds, then the code win-
dow will display the encoded altitude for four seconds.
The MODE push button sequentially selects the ATC,
TFC or FL mode, FID and ADC.
ATC Mode - Allows entry of the four digit ATC code.
Honeywell MST 67A configuration: The right outer
knob selects each of the four positions for entry, and
the right inner knob selects the content.
Collins TDR-94D configuration: The right outer knob
enters the first two digits and the right inner knob
enters the last two digits.
TFC Mode - (Collins TDR-94D only) Allows selection of the traffic dis-
play operating mode (AUTO - data Pop-up or ON - full time display).
FL Mode - (Honeywell MST-67A only) Allows selection of relative or
absolute altitude for display. The relative altitude tags are replaced
with absolute altitude (FL) tags. The traffic display will revert to rela-
tive altitude after 15 seconds
The FL feature is usually flagged below 18,000 feet MSL unless
barometric corrected altitude is available from an air data source. FL
is flagged on the IVA 81A but not on the radar indicator when used
with the GC 362A, traffic displays. If FL is selected while flagged,
"FL---" is annunciated instead of own flight level.
TCAS II Pilot’s Guide
Effective Date 2/04
006-08499-0000 Rev 7
Controls and Displays